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Kids Dancing


​Our Mission

TCTF is a youth outreach destined to extend care and support primarily to urban youth and their families of all walks of diversities. Reaching out to our youth of today with specialized events and activities. Working with our youth to guide, teach, and support them as they journey through life. Assisting and encouraging positive life choices.

Whom do we serve?

Pierce County has one of the highest poverties and dropout rates in the state. The programs work with families of students from K to 12, runaway youth, homeless, all deemed by poverty standards. We recognized and serve the community by helping families with care packages, groceries, personal hygiene items, clothes, education supplies, and household items. We service the homeless, both young and old, with bag lunches and dinner throughout the year by going under bridges, parks that have gang activity, and Hilltop streets that no one wants to walk.


Our Community

A common pre-requisite to an effective and enduring effort to achieve racial and ethnic equity and narrow divisions in the Pierce County neighborhoods must be full and accurate knowledge of how race and ethnicity have played a role in the community's progress.  To obtain such information, you must go into the community and gain understanding and trust in how people of color live their lives as a cohesive family and/or individuals. People who are considered poverty-stricken that often grow up around painful incidents and racially disparate conditions commonly lose hope in the government systems. TCTF strives to keep our community uplifted and be a helping hand. 



Reconnecting with the community since Covid-19 requires a long, arduous, but ultimately deep, rewarding journey to racial equity and healing. Such a journey involves a willingness to listen and learn how families and individuals have been affected; then be able to help financially, supply goods and services actively, respectfully, and responsively to their needs while practicing CDC laws ordinance. 

© 2021 Created by

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P.O. Box 23201 Federal Way, WA 98093

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